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Coffee break 時間到

☕Coffee break 時間到?

我哋嘅即溶咖啡令您係匆忙間都可享受到一杯完美嘅咖啡😌採購自「公平貿易」咖啡園嘅100% 阿拉比卡咖啡豆,不但風味卓越,經冷凍風乾後更保持其新鮮度。我哋一系列具有不同風味嘅烘焙咖啡必定有一款符合您嘅個人喜好!

☕立即到門市或M&S流動應用程式選購️ >> https://bit.ly/mnshkappsocial” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>https://bit.ly/mnshkappsocial

☕Time for coffee?

Our instant coffee is perfect or a caffeine hit in a hurry without compromising on exceptional flavour😌. It’s 100% arabica, Fairtrade and freeze-dried for freshness, and is available in a range of roasts with varying flavour profiles.

☕Available in stores or on the M&S app >> https://bit.ly/mnshkappsocial” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>https://bit.ly/mnshkappsocial

#MarksandSpencer #MandSHK

Marks & Spencer
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