


炎炎夏日,最好就係留喺屋企歎住冷氣,同家人朋友一齊玩下遊戲,分享下日活日常小事。當然,唔少得一餐豐富又有儀式感嘅晚餐!Market Place 已經為你準備咗不同種類嘅好味食材!

不如試下惹味嘅圃木園海鮮、蔬菜湯麵同辣牛肉非油炸湯麵,再配上周氏鮮雞蛋,絕對係絕配!玩遊戲嘅時候,就要整啲香口小食,Pacific West魚手指、奧薯脆各款薯條、薯餅、薯寶就啱晒啦!

今個假日想同家人朋友玩得開心,又食得開心,立即嚟Market Place選購心水產品,滿足所有人嘅胃口啦~

優惠期:26/5 – 1/6/2023

部份推廣優惠適用於Market Place by Jasons 手機應用程式或yuu to me 網購平台。貨品圖片只供參考。以單一發票及折實價計算。貨品數量有限,售/送/換完即止。部分貨品只限指定分店提供。優惠受條款及細則約束。

【Moments to Savour】

On scorching summer days, better to stay at home and enjoy the air conditioning while playing games and chatting with family and friends! Of course, a rich and ceremonial dinner is essential! Market Place has prepared various delicious ingredients for you!

Why not try the delicious Pulmuone Seafood/ Vegetable Noodles/ Non-fried Ramyun Noodles with Spicy Beef Broth and pair them with Eg Pro fresh egg, it‘s absolutely perfect! When you are getting hungry, you can have some crispy snacks like Pacific West fish fingers and 11er Rosti!

Let’s come to Market Place to choose your favourite ingredients and enjoy a cheerful night with your friends!

Promotional period: 26/5 – 1/6/2023

Designated promotions are not applicable to the Market Place by Jasons App or yuu to me online shopping platform. Photo are for reference only. This Offer is based on single transaction. While stocks last. Products are available in selected stores. Terms and conditions apply.


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馬上追蹤我們IG (@hk_marketplace),獲享更多生活及煮食靈感:https://bit.ly/3nNhi5U” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>https://bit.ly/3nNhi5U

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Follow our Instagram for more lifestyle and cooking inspirations: https://bit.ly/3nNhi5U” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>https://bit.ly/3nNhi5U

#MarketPlace #分享滋味時刻 #MomentsToSavour



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