


假日唔想出街同人迫?有冇諗過在家一樣可以過得又Chill又Relax ?Market Place 為你搜攞出各款滋味食材,讓你打造一個不一樣的一人假日。

用日本北海道帆立貝柱連埋Sunny Queen雞蛋一齊炒,再放喺一塊農夫包上,一個靚得嚟又健康,健康得嚟又好味嘅Bruch就大功告成! 覺得未夠?仲可以用川寧各款茶葉沖返一杯清新、香氣四溢嘅茶,再加啲紐西蘭袋裝安堡莎蘋果同空運摩洛哥筒裝高甜珍寶藍桑子作為點綴,絕對夠嘆!

一個人原來都可以盡興,立即到Market Place選購食材啦。

優惠期:17/5 – 25/5/2023

部份推廣優惠適用於Market Place by Jasons 手機應用程式或yuu to me 網購平台。貨品圖片只供參考。以單一發票及折實價計算。貨品數量有限,售/送/換完即止。部分貨品只限指定分店提供。優惠受條款及細則約束。

【Moments to Savour】

Don’t feel like going out or being around people on your days off? Have you thought about having a chill and relaxing day at home? Market Place has a variety of delicious ingredients to help you create a unique holiday!

Fry some Japan Hokkaido yesso scallops with Sunny Queen eggs, then put them on a slice of farmer’s bread. You’ll have a delicious and healthy brunch that’s both beautiful and tasty!

Still not enough? You can also brew a fresh and fragrant cup of tea with various Chuan Ning tea leaves, and add some New Zealand Air-flown Ambrosia apples and Mocorro Jumbo blueberry as a finishing touch. It’s definitely satisfying!

You can have a great time by yourself. Head to Market Place and get your ingredients now!

Promotional period: 17/5 – 25/5/2023

Designated promotions are not applicable to the Market Place by Jasons App or yuu to me online shopping platform. Photo are for reference only. This Offer is based on single transaction. While stocks last. Products are available in selected stores. Terms and conditions apply.


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馬上追蹤我們IG (@hk_marketplace),獲享更多生活及煮食靈感:https://bit.ly/3nNhi5U” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>https://bit.ly/3nNhi5U

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Follow our Instagram for more lifestyle and cooking inspirations: https://bit.ly/3nNhi5U” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>https://bit.ly/3nNhi5U

#MarketPlace #分享滋味時刻 #MomentsToSavour



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